Our Watergate


History tends to repeat itself. It appears it is our turn now to face a Watergate of ours as reported in a section of national English press on 13 March 2012 that India plans to divert Chenab river’s flow into Beas which is a tributary of Sutlej river. This would deprive Pakistan of its normal water supply as per Indus Basin Treaty of western rivers belonging to Pakistan.

The Time magazine of 14 December 2009 had issued a satellite photograph of Himalayan glaciers showing the rivers wherein the river Chenab and Bias originated from the same source. It appears the diversion of water from Chenab to Bias would be very likely due to their close vicinity.

However, our water experts ought to take a timely notice of the above reported water aggression by India before our rivers are sucked dry and our water experts are found sleeping on the issue. This is a real SOS message for the nation to take heed of.

