Balochistan and the fear factor


The clime of fear in Balochistan becomes more and more dense with each passing day as very little is actually done to reinstate law and order into the chaotic province.

People are under a continuous fear that their loved ones may disappear for no apparent reason and that the frequency with which bullet ridden bodies adorn dark alleys and roadsides compels them to mute their voices against this oppression lest they become the victim to such horrible fate.

Public fear further increases in intensity as the deteriorating security conditions deprive the public of the human need for harmony. There has never been any kind trust between the people and the law enforcers as it is not on the priority list of the security apparatus. This is one big reason why the people too in return take no time in thrusting all blame upon them.

Fear of the uncontrolled operation of terrorist groups provides very little to feel happy about. The various cases of murders and target killings, burning and closures of schools in the Balochistan province blatantly owned by such militant groups aims to perpetuate an environment of continuous fear so that the separatist agenda be taken to the next phase.

Teachers and professors are exiting the province for an ever looming fear of their lives. This mass exodus of educators does not impact the education system at this point in time only by depriving the younger generation from their basic right to education, but will surely have grave delayed consequences and repercussions. It wouldn’t be wrong if the students and parents fear for the future of their younger ones in this backdrop.

Due to the prevalence of a very close and claustrophobic tribal system, the people live their lives in fear of the wrath of their superiors and sardars. Atrocities and violence are seldom reported whereas victimisation of the oppressed continues unchecked and unabated. Where killing of women is a sign of bravery and to sell them becomes an accepted custom, can fear as a dominant emotion be taken out of the female existence?

Fear is used as a tool of manipulation by the sardars for maintaining their hegemony and to crush any sort of rebellion against them. For this severe punishments are devised and used upon the poor people. With a myriad of fear factors looming upon the people how can we expect any improvement in the situation in Balochistan?

