Khan’s politics


People are talking nowadays about Khan’s revolution and its tsunami in a negative way. Many are thinking that it’s on the backburner now. Khan’s tsunami is vanishing day by day or it’s loosing its momentum with the passage of time. They are also disillusioned by the entry of so many electables. People think that he cannot bring change with these electables. Apparently, they are right but realistically speaking they are missing out lot of things which could be beneficial for our country.
What people are not seeing is his true loyalty towards Pakistan. If he chooses a candidate from the streets, not a notable figure, would the people vote for him? When Mr Imran Khan was without a team of electables, people blamed him that how he would run a country without electables.
He is fully loaded with and ready to deliver with a dedicated team of political professionals who are not morally or ethically corrupt. And when the election time approaches, a lot of filtration would take place: opportunist will leave the party and genuine leadership will emerge from this filtration.
It’s more than a revolution. People have to see things with their clear minds and open eyes about the wind of change that is on its way to Pakistan. If you love your country, use your brains to caste vote for the right person who could really change your country’s future. This time put your interests aside and think about Pakistan’s survival.


  1. I disagree with authors views, Imran Khan was lacking a team before he shook hands with feudal electables. Now these feudal electables ready to jump ships (like Shah Mhamood Qurashi). Imran Khan is not hope he is FOB

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