Chinese official sees militant links in Pakistan


China is facing a network of militants entrenched in neighboring states, but authorities, especially in Pakistan, are trying to stamp out violence and protect China’s interests, the governor of China’s Xinjiang region said on Wednesday.
China has blamed incidents of violence in Xinjiang on Islamic separatists who want to establish an independent state called East Turkestan.
Some Chinese officials have blamed attacks on Muslim militants trained in Pakistan, though China’s Foreign Ministry has refrained from public criticism of Pakistan.
Xinjiang’s governor, however, was more explicit.
“We have certainly discovered that East Turkestan activists and terrorists in our neighboring states have a thousand and one links,” Nur Bekri said on the sidelines of China’s annual meeting of parliament, when asked about a Pakistan connection with attacks in Xinjiang.
“But officials, especially in Pakistan, have said over and over again they oppose any violent activities directed against China and will maintain China’s national sovereignty and core interests,” he said. Both Chinese and Pakistani officials have in the past said that the militants based in western China have ties to the Pakistani Taliban and other militants in northwestern Pakistani regions along the Afghan border.
Officials in Kashgar, a city in south Xinjiang, said a stabbing attack there in late July was orchestrated by members of the separatist East Turkestan Islamic Movement who trained in Pakistan before returning to China. Bekri said he was assured of Pakistani support in the campaign against militancy.


  1. China has always supported Pakistan regardless of the situation. Let’s hope they help us to end terrorism and the use of improvised explosive devices by the terrorists as well.

  2. China and Pakistan should combine and come up with a strategy of stopping the use of improvised explosive devices.

  3. EU will be providing Pakistan with robotic technology that would help it in eliminating terrorism and the use of improvised explosive devices by the terrorists.

  4. Terrorists have made Pakistan a burning hell. The weapons (improvised explosive devices), they are using to spread chaos are dangerous and its production needs to be stopped asap.

  5. Pakistan has no links with the militans.How can Pakiatan decieve its best friend.even thinking of this is baseless and totally wrong.We respect the interests of China and we assure them this is onlt a prapoganda.

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