Mian Nawaz Sharif’s demand


Apropos to news on 5 March of the PML(N) president Mian Nawaz Sharif terming PML(Q)’s politics as hypocritical. Mr Sharif criticised them as they were ready to elect dictator Gen (Retd) Pervez Musharraf in uniform 20 times but now that his arrest warrants have been issued while they are sitting in the ruling coalition.

Earlier on Sunday, he said that he was ready to join hands with PML(Q) if they tendered apologies to the nation supporting a dictator and further ensuring that in future it would not be repeated. This announcement came at the time of welcoming of a turncoat of PML(Q) into his party.

Supporting a dictator or opening doors for turncoats fall in the same category. President PML(N)’s demand is very unfair as he himself was groomed by a dictator whom he still owns.

PML(Q) joined hands with a dictator to bring back democracy where as PML(N)’s president preferred to strike a deal with the dictator to have a peaceful exit from the country. If you compare the two dictators, late General Ziaul Haq with Gen Msharraf, the former under the garb of Islamisation has shaken the foundation of the country beyond repair and the latter’s rule has comparatively been better in all respects except carrying stigma of uniform.

The PML(N) should wake up to the ground realities and avoid accusing Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) being part of establishment instead should prepare to meet the challenge of PTI. It is true that law and order situation in 1999 was very much in control but there was no war on terror at that time. Time is running short for all the factions of PML, if they fail to unite they stand no place in country’s politics except to sit in opposition.


Bradford, UK


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