Poor justifications


There is a string of letters and articles in the media that a mere apology from Americans top brass is not sufficient and the soldiers who were allegedly involved in the burning of copies of the Quran they confiscated from Afghan Taliban prisoners, shall be dealt per prevailing military and civil codes. Agree with the contention; it’s a fair demand.

But let me ask some troubling questions as well. If no one can justify the American soldiers’ action, then how to justify what’ happening in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan (and elsewhere in several Muslim majority countries) for last several years – suicide bombers attacking the mosques, shrines and other places of worship.

Along with killing and maiming thousands of men, women and children, these ‘faith-driven’ bombers have destroyed unknown number of copies of the Quran and other religious books. For sure, these suicide bombers are neither American, nor Indian nor Israelis, they are very much from the same people whom they are targeting.

American soldiers may hide behind the excuse of unintentional acts, not conversant with local customs and so on but what are the excuses for the intentional burning of copies of Quran by suicide bombers.

We always blame West of double standards, no doubt about that, but how about our own values and standards.


Jubail, Saudi Arabia


  1. No excuse, but for the habit of feeling hurt for things which involve foreigners. We take same things for granted from our home-bred Frankensteins and even army (Balochistan). Same was the case when killing of soldiers by Americans became a 'Ghairat' issue but similar killings by Taliban and assorted loonies was not even commented upon. Sad.

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