Liberty is extinct


We Pakistani live in a banana republic and are ready to kill any Shia, Ahmadi or Christian and justify it. Stop Ahmadis and others from different sects to worship and you’ll get an over whelming welcoming response. Apparently, there is no law against these barbaric acts. Why it is so easy to persecute someone in Pakistan? People who get persecuted are afraid to even express themselves. Just after the reunion of formerly banned outfits, sectarian clashes have increased and leaders of Lashkar-e-Jhnagvi and Sipah-e-Sahaba are openly showing off their power.
What could be worse than this? This nation remained silent when terrorists killed lot people on sectarian differences. Now again they have killed 18 in Kohistan after checking their identities. No one ever dares speak against this persecution of different minorities. Last Friday, mullahs gathered around an Ahmadi worship place and protested against their so called “un-lawful act of offering prayers” and took off all CCTV cameras and this Friday they did not allow them to enter their worship place. Liberals like Faiz, Jalib, Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi tried a lot to teach this nation with their poetry and writings, but all in vain. Liberty is now an extinct species because you stop buses, you check identities, ask about sect and then kill.


  1. I really like your views about this serious matter.. People Like you have always tried their level best to make this Nation understand this bitter reality. Keep it up Foaad.

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