Approach towards terrorism


The media is the strongest force on the national horizon and therefore needs to work in harmony with the authorities in order to play a significantly positive role at societal level. Since national interest must take precedence, deliberate efforts by the government ought to be made for the development of an integrated relationship by taking the media apparatus into confidence in all its endeavours. Withholding of information creates a vacuum that is subsequently filled by speculative reporting, thus spelling the need for development of a special information sharing mechanism for future references. The media too needs to display maturity by becoming wise and employing work ethics.
Sensationalisation of news and events creates psycho-social shock effects and should be avoided. For this purpose, the media must be provided with a proper policy that serves as an operating manual along with a regulatory body to monitor its progress so that it doesn’t lose its perspective that hinges on the principles of national interest. The government must revisit the existing organisation and operational mechanism of PEMRA for the purpose of strengthening it to enhance its efficacy. PEMRA thus needs to define the media’s working parameters in clear terms but not without taking all stakeholders on board. Conditions ought to be set for effective cooperation and coordination in order to create harmony between both.
Furthermore, an immediate review of the anti-terror law becomes essential in this backdrop where terror suspects are released due to lack of evidence.
Military operations remain partially successful due to its dysfunctionality thus resulting in a wasted effort by the security forces both in terms of human and material resources and tarnishing its image too. Thus an aggressive anti-terror bill needs to be endorsed by the parliament and put in force immediately.


  1. War on terrorism cannot be won unless the government does not come up with a clear cut strategy of stopping the production of improvised explosive devices.

  2. Media is playing a good role in creating awareness of terrorism, however it is in the hands of the government to device new measures to stop terrorism and the use of improvised explosive devices

  3. Yes, improvised explosive devices have claimed thousands of lives already so Government needs to come up with a strategy of halting its production.

  4. EU will be providing Pakistan with the latest robot system which would help the bomb disposal squads in spotting the improvised explosive devices, that terrorists use to spread violence.

  5. Day by day the terrorists are becoming stronger and stronger. They are using improvised explosive devices which can be made through daily routine things. Manufacturing of these IEDs should be brought to an end.

  6. yes our authorities need to develop a strategy to stop production and use of improvised explosive devices.

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