The game is on


Defence of Pakistan Council staged another big meeting in Karachi the other day. People came in droves to the place. As many as 40 different political and right wing parties have joined hands to show their strength and popularity in the masses. The agenda is set to bring the change. It is a successful meeting and they have emerged as the new force in the political arena. Naturally, the religious parties have come together to achieve their agenda.
All eyes were focused on this jalsa. Lot of questions have been raised regarding the participation of banned religious groups. They are sending a wrong message by including these groups. Disgruntled politicians like Sheikh Rashid and Zia-ul-Haq’s son Ejaz-ul-Haq have joined hands with these meetings. All of them have nothing else to do and they are morally and intellectually bankrupt.
The PDC has given warning that after the elections, they will start a revolutionary movement within 90 days. What are they waiting for? Whey waste time, they should launch the movement now. It is high time, somebody take lead to solve people’s problems. Whether it is the religious parties, people will support them.
Right now a complicated and complex game is being played on in our political arena. The court is confronted with unwilling and stubborn leadership. The defiance of court orders continues.
Several important cases are being heard simultaneously and short orders are the order of the day. The whole nation’s attention is fixed on ‘contempt case’ against the PM. After the charge-sheet, the real proceedings will be initiated. The man is adamant and has taken a stand not to write a letter to the Swiss authorities. The letter is the ‘bone of contention’ and the game is on.
The dust will settle after the final outcome of this case. Peoples Party and the coalition government are bent upon a showdown and ultimate disaster on this issue. Although the court has shown restraint for a long time, but it seems the gloves are now off. Someone will be crucified at the altar of constitution. People are waiting for the drop-scene of this political drama.