Brahamdagh’s statement


“America must intervene in Balochistan and stop the ethnic cleansing of Baloch people, we would also welcome Indian intervention,” was the resounding voice of Brahamdagh, echoing in the Quetta Press Club on February 22 as media persons listened with rapt attention to the telephonic address of the 30-year-old Baloch separatist leader from an undisclosed abode in the country of his exile. Whatever the reasons are, does it suit to Baloch ghairat, honour and pride to invite another nation, including the archrival neighbouring India, to step into their land and help them against their own brothers and even Baloch people sitting at Centre in various capacities, either in the ministries or within the military?
I believe Brahamdagh’s call for foreign intervention is not only unusual and against the Baloch pride and honour, but also on the lines of the foreign countries’ set agenda. It is important to end the issues of missing persons, forced disappearances and target killings, but it is also important to play our role as society in the province. Why has the civil dispensation in Quetta not so-far called the session of Provincial Assembly to at least condemn the US Congressional resolution on Balochistan? Instead, the other provinces’ assemblies have done it so. Where has gone the political leadership here? Who has created a wider gap and vacuum on the political front here?
Dera Rojhan Jamali, Balochistan