“The Baloch grievance”


Fahd Hussain in his latest article “The Baloch grievance” (23 February) has given a very gloomy picture and has said nothing new except blaming the government and the establishment.

The writer makes sweeping statements like khakis are still calling shots. He further talks about the resolution on Balochistan by a US Congressman that has been denied by Washington. He criticises APC called by the government and calls it a futile exercise because APC on drone attacks did not produce desired results.

It is very strange when he says that there is neither the federal government nor the provincial government in Balochistan. The issue of Balochistan is not that serious as being depicted. So far, we have been hearing only one side and blaming then other side without hearing them. It is very easy to throw blame on the establishment under the influence of propaganda launched by enemies of Pakistan. The writer has failed to give any solution except repeating old rhetoric.

The sardars living in self exile need to be taken into confidence along with others who matter. Unfortunately, our media is projecting the western point of view instead of countering it. We all talk about few mutilated bodies but forget the attack on FC posts, destruction of electric pylons, attack on military convoys and damaging gas pipelines.

The politicians are not interested in pulling the province from present crisis. All the members of assembly have the status of ministers and there is no opposition in the provincial assembly. They are the ones who should have initiated dialogue with the Baloch nationalists but no effort was made. Every MPA gets Rs 250 million annually for the development of his constituency but common man continues to suffer. How sad that the establishment is blamed for no rhyme and reason.

The issue of missing person was highly exaggerated and FC was blamed that only added fuel and a vicious campaign is being launched to distort the image of FC. We should not forget the role of FC in protecting the lives of common man from militants and their sacrifices.

The gesture of government withdrawing cases of Baloch leaders should be appreciated and a message carried forward so that the province returns to normalcy. We need to stop blame game as it never helps but only aggravates the situation. The common man in Balochistan was suffering in the past and continues to suffer at present in the hands of elected representatives who are not at all pushed to address the common man’s problems.

Media has to play an important role as for as the issue of Balochistan is concerned, under no circumstances anti-Balochistan feelings should be aired. We must rebut the western propaganda and expose the designs of anti-Pakistan elements operating in Balochistan and measures should be taken to persuade Baloch nationalists to come and discuss the issues without any preconditions. It is only dialogue that will help in reaching to a peaceful solution; short term measures can never substitute lasting solution.


Bradford, UK


  1. How can all these tribal leaders. Of Baluchistan live in different countries.Who is supporting them financially.Pakistan should follow Israel’s way of handling things eliminate those who harm their country where ever they are

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