A clarification


I need to clarify information about the domestic violence bill that has been passed yesterday by the Senate. It seems that the information being dispersed is not fully correct.

Firstly, this is not the bill that was passed by the NA in 2009. That one is still in the pipeline for the joint session. And for the last two years never came on the agenda in a joint session. We were expecting it to come in the upcoming joint session which might not happen again.

This is a similar (but not the same) bill, moved as a fresh bill by Senator Nelofer Bakhtiar in the Senate. It is a private member bill and was tabled only a few days ago. It was passed after discussion unanimously and now it will go to the NA session for their approval.

Secondly, it is important to note that this bill does not criminalises domestic violence. This is only about getting an order for protection or restraining order to ensure that the abuser can be made to stay away from the aggrieved person and also deals with some temporary maintenance and custody issues.

Thirdly, it is only for ICT as the National Assembly can only legislate for ICT. It is not for the whole of the country.

For criminalisation of the act of domestic violence we have prepared amendments to PPC and given to the HR Ministry a few months ago. That will be moved as a government bill, I hope soon. That is for the whole country and will declare domestic violence a crime. We do need to move fast on that front as both together can make the crime accountable.

Media has been a superb partner of the women’s legislative reform. I hope to have continued support from you all.


Member, National Commission on the Status of Women