The state of education in Pakistan


Education is one of the basic factors which play a vital role in the development of a country. Education also combats unemployment, confirms sound foundation of social equity, awareness, tolerance, self esteem and spread of political socialisation and cultural vitality. Like many other developing countries, the situation of Pakistan’s education sector has not been very encouraging due to poverty, unemployment, over-population and slow pace of economic development in the country.

It has been 64 years since Pakistan got freedom but still we are far behind in development. According to latest Pakistan Labour Force Survey 2009-10, the overall literacy rate is 57.7 percent which is quite unsatisfactory to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

The state of education in Pakistan is in shambles. Pakistan is the second country in the world with the highest number of children who do not go to school. A large number of students who make it to schools, however, drop out by class five. According to NEP, about 72 percent make it to grade five which means a dropout rate of 28 percent. This significant figure further brings down the chunk of the population that makes it to school. Such a large number of students outside school mean that they are deprived of the opportunity to learn and acquire skills for playing a meaningful role in society.

The emphasis in education is still on a general and liberal type of BA or MA degree. The change towards scientific and technical education has still not taken place. The quality of education is low; the teachers are under-paid, under-trained and dispirited. The students are apathetic as they see no relationship between education and higher earnings or status in the society.

Pakistan’s planners continued to allocate insufficient resources for education, especially for primary education. Moreover, the money allocated was not effectively spent. The hostility of the feudal and the indifference of the educated elite are primarily responsible for the neglect of education in Pakistan.

There is a need to find a plausible explanation for Pakistan’s very poor performance in the field of education as compared to other East Asian countries and even amongst SAARC countries with the possible exception of Nepal. Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and the emphasis which Holy Quran places on education is not found in the holy books of other religions.

The elite of Pakistan have no interest in primary education. The children of the elite go to English medium schools and they do not bother at all whether children of their subordinates receive any education and even if they receive education in some form, its quality is very poor.

Today corruption at each level has increased, judiciary and education departments have suffered too. Through constructive education we can prepare our students according to our golden norms and values, and remove various faults found in the education system. Education system of Pakistan is facing strong criticism both at national and international level. Good and positive education builds nations and makes it strong. Our educational policies have been criticised because of lack of implementation at each level.

Now the people are openly talking about the failure of democracy and curse of corruption because of lack of education. Corrupt leaders are only power seekers and do not take keen interest in education and welfare of common man. When our top leadership protects the corrupt and fake degree holders, the result is obvious to all.

We all need honest, competent, devoted leadership, who knows the fruits of positive, constructive education. Only an intellectual, competent and faithful leadership knows the price of constructive education and will be able to do some good things for the Pakistani nation.


Lahore Garrison University, Lahore


  1. Very well written article. Completely agree that the elite educated class has no such interest in spreading education across and give access to poor.

  2. rightly said ……….. I will strongly condemn the PPP who raise the slogan of better future for Pakistan and has suppressed the sindh in the shackles of disparity, unemployment , worst education system despite ruling for around 40 years as sindh government and looking to deteriorate the rest of pakistan …………………….. in terms of economy, education, state welfare but blooming to destroy the institutions, speading and supporting the corruption in the shape of president the most corrupt person in the nation.
    may Allah save the Pakistan and give wisdom to us to differentiate between the friend and enemy. AMEEN

  3. we have not a strong educational system because our political leader have no educational policies. we all talk about islamic ideolgy but none of us is ready to follow it. we have only policies but none of us is ready to implement it.

  4. excellent ideas about education,feudals @ beaurocrasy are main hurdles in promotion of quality education for all.

  5. Education can be improved only when the elite,the bureaucrats,the genrals,the judges
    andt the politicians are compelled to send their children to the govt schools.

  6. So we talk about education, who is willing to teach? is the governemtn willing to spend, as this is one area where it is the government's responsibility. so which portion in the budget should we cut, Defence, how much can we get from the budget allocated to the PM and the President House? We increase the pay of MPA's by over 400%, are prepared to gve them a rise wef 2011. so how many children can we provide support to, saving the mentioned sipurflous expenses .

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