Through the wrong end of the scope


This is with reference to Hashim Bin Rashid’s article “The price of Baloch blood” published in Pakistan Today on 19 February 2012.

The writer has rightly highlighted the worsening conditions in Balochistan. But the pertinent question is who is really responsible for the present condition? Tribal Sardars are the real culprits here who consider that they are born to rule, whom they have kept illiterate and poor. They have made them believe that after Allah, Sardar is their benefactor. Sardars never allowed infrastructure development in areas under their control.

Sardars have been governing Balochistan and representing their people in Senate and National Assembly, enjoying all political and financial power. I believe Sardars have major role in Balochistan’s insurgency. If Sardars have no any role in all this, then the federal government and the establishment are responsible for the agony of the Baloch?




  1. ST Hussain appears to lost in a time warp. What he writes may have made some sense a few decades ago, but as the rest of Pakistan has experienced generational change in ideas, so have the Baloch.
    Mr Hussain should actually take the time to visit Balochistan and meet some Baloch rather than regurgitate and sprout hackneyed Establishment propaganda which blames all our sins and woes on the largely now non-existent powerful tribal chiefs.

  2. ST Hussain appears to lost in a time warp. What he writes may have made some sense a few decades ago, but as the rest of Pakistan has experienced generational change in ideas, so have the Baloch.

  3. Something closer to reality. Sardars have made the Baloch beleive that Pakistan is the cause of all their ills. On the other hand they blackmail Government and grab large sums for personal use. A research on last ten years of allocation to Balochistan and other provinces is required by economists. Whole money has gone into pockets of these Sardars.

  4. problem started when Reco-deck Treasure was initially found…
    and US moved its interests for multiple
    1)to Control IRAN it is the Best Geographical location After Forces-withdrawl from Afghanistan
    2) this area is filled with Natural Gas, Oil , GEMs and other useful minerals,
    3) Controlling Gawadar Port for to prevent Increasing Chinese Access to Middle East

    so the plan was initially brought by RAW by sabotaging the GAWADAR PORT constructions and many of the Chinese engineers were gunned down and people dont have short memory and still remember the Rocket attacks on the GAS Pipe-line Installations .. who were the insurgents? offcourse those who were trained initially in RUSSIAN Universities… and after RUSSIAN FALL … the came into US-Indian Block .. yes The BUGTIZ and their allies..

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