Act now


Isn’t it very intriguing to note that the US who had been interfering in the separation movement in Balochistan has now directly started supporting this hideous movement? The US along with the Indians, the UK and of course with the courtesy of Mr Karzai, have been involved in this activity since Musharraf’s days. The previous dictator and the present democratic rulers are all behaving like an ostrich and due to reasons better known to them have been silent spectators.

Since the last over two years, the APC to solve this political problem was not convened due to our could-not-care-less attitude. Why? Did the rulers, including the previous setup, not dare to come up with a solution due to US pressure? Are we too worried not to annoy the US even at the cost of our province? The importance of Balochistan – geographic as well as geological, is known to the entire world. Please, act now before it’s too late.

