Is the judiciary right?


Those who criticise judiciary for being pro-active have forgotten that Pakistan was reduced from welfare state envisioned by its founding fathers to a state where it has become a paradise for usurpers, thugs and plunderers, either in the name of religion, or their distorted perception of state security, when judiciary was inert.
What do you term a state where thousands of citizens go missing, whose parents are unaware whether they live or are dead, while their murderers roam around free?
No judiciary, worth its name, would permit individuals posing threat to national security to go free. This pro-vigilantism has gone berserk, afflicting few political parties, notorious for using violence to eliminate their opponents, or even journalists that dare criticise them. Slogans such as that those who betray the leader deserve death are heard and tolerated, while law enforcement and intelligence authorities look the other way.
Today, few media anchors have freedom to criticise politicians and even our sensitive agencies, but none dare to raise their finger against parties responsible for thousands killed in target killings, not in remote rural areas but in Pakistan’s financial capital Karachi.
We have become a state that tolerates lawlessness, murder, corruption, abuse of power and deceit. Our state collects taxes but does not feel any obligation to citizens for regulating production of safe pharmaceuticals and other necessities of life such as unadulterated food items, affordable education, health and security for lives and property of its citizens.
Our state is certainly on the path of becoming a failed state, if change for the better does not occur with accountability of those who violate laws.


  1. It is time for Rule Of Law to be enforced by judiciary and none should dare defy laws, break them and not pay taxes.

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