Frequent road blockage


It has become a regular practice in Karachi that whenever a protest demonstration is staged by the public or by the employees of an organisation, or a mass rally is held by different political and religious groups, all the roads from where these processions pass are blocked by protesters and demonstrators.
As a result of this, the entire traffic passing through that particular thoroughfare has to divert onto other roads which serve as an alternative. However, these routes chosen by motorists as a substitute are mostly minor roads, and as such are unable to let all the traffic pass through them smoothly.
And this results in prolonged traffic jams which become an obstruction not only in the commercial but also in the residential areas of that locality. Consequently, an entire portion of the city becomes paralysed throughout the duration of that rally or protest. This causes great inconvenience to everyone including motorists, pedestrians and residents.
Therefore, I request the concerned authorities to kindly look into this matter and take appropriate measures through which the frequent blockage of roads can be controlled, because Karachi is the biggest and the most commercial city where any hindrance in even one area affects a huge number of people and brings all the activities to a standstill.