US hearing on Balochistan ‘ill-advised’ move: Sherry


Taking a strong exception to a United States Congressional hearing on Balochistan this week, Pakistan on Friday called it an “ill-advised” move that would be detrimental to the trust between Pakistan and the United States.
A Pakistan embassy spokesman in Washington said Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US Sherry Rehman raised the issue of an exclusive hearing on Balochistan by the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs in her meetings with the members of congress and senior officials of the US administration. According to the spokesman, Sherry said the government of Pakistan strongly rejected the purpose and findings of the hearing and considered it an “ill-advised and ill-considered” move that would have serious repercussions for Pakistan-US relations.
“Balochistan is an integral part of the Pakistan which is a democracy conducting itself in accordance with the international law,” the ambassador said. “The government is strongly committed to protecting the fundamental rights and freedom in all parts of Pakistan, including Balochistan, and has initiated an extensive programme of constitutional and other reforms to empower all citizens in the continuing consolidation of democracy,” she said.


  1. If security establishment do not allow such a debate in Pakistan. this does not mean the world would remain silent as well.

  2. Why does the establishment believe it can eat and keep the cake! High time the whipping masters climb down the pedestal and seek the solution with humilty.

  3. For the past few years the local press has largely been successfully muzzled to allow the kill and dump operations to continue unchecked in Balochistan.

    International attention has long been overdue on what has become a gaping wound of inhumanity.

    It is vital that the Baloch are brought to a dialogue table. However, before that can be achieved the first step to sanity is to stop the security establishment from carrying on its activities against the Baloch.

  4. Why have we let the Americans dare intervene in something, which is completely and totally our internal matter? Why Govt. did not act promptly to do the needful to stop Americans lawmakers from undertaking something which in no way is in their domain? If Govt. had no "time" where was the Opposition? If Opposition was (as is apparent it is) complacent and had intentionally closed its eyes; because at present when elections are around the corner it could not have afforded to be in the bad book of Americans; what our Journalists were doing?

    My goodness; I just can't believe we all could be so oblivious of such a serious development? We all knew very well that lately some nasty Americans were weighing to bring this matter in discussion but none of us dared to shrill cry against it due to one reason or the other. We've become so boggled down in our internal imbroglios that we are not aware what's going on all around us. The Courts have engaged Govt. so much in one "constitutional" thing after the other that it hardly has time to give attention to other important matters related to our country's security and sovereignty. Media is obsessed with President and Prime Minister, too. It hardly see anything else except them. Opposition I better write nothing what it's been upto.

    Now million dollar question is when we all are so obsessed with petty things and when we all have reasons not to speak up whenever needed against any foreigne interference in our internal matters, who then will take care of Pakistan's soverignity? Who will?


  5. These Americans never fails to surprise. They have the audacity to point at the human right violation in Baluchistan when they have a unbeatable track record of human right violations all over the world.

  6. Congressional hearings are not unusual. The U.S. congress routinely holds these types of hearings on a number of foreign affairs topics. These hearings do not always reflect the official stance of the United States government. State department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said this morning that the U.S. administration has not changed its policy and continues to see Baluchistan as part of the Pakistani state. Responding to a question on this topic, Ms. Nuland said, “Our view on Baluchistan has not changed. We are aware of this hearing. As you know, Congress holds hearings on many foreign affairs topics. These hearings don’t necessarily imply that the U.S. government endorses one view or another view. I’d underscore that the State Department is not participating or involved in this hearing.”

    Maj David Nevers
    DET-United States Central Command

  7. We have said before and we would like to say again that we strongly support the unity and the stability of Pakistan. As President Obama stated clearly, “what we have tried to do over the last several years, has been to engage aggressively with the Pakistani government to communicate that we want nothing more than a stable, prosperous, peaceful Pakistan, and that we will work with the Pakistani government in order to eradicate this extremism that we consider a cancer within the country that can potentially engulf the country."

    Maj David Nevers
    DET-United States Central Command

  8. When an elephant is turned into mad,this animal become mad and does not take care to others and try to harm everbody.The same is the case with U.S.A,if they are asked not to do that,they will do that.There are lots of internal problems and disturbances in America and unluckily the outside world is kept ignorant and no body know the general and common americans are facing the huge and unprovoked problems.They want to keep the whole world in their control.the question is that Why the champions of Democracy go on the wrong side What is happening in Washington State,they have to control by themselves not by U.N.O or any other country.sherry is doing this work and prapogating on hehalf of America.She must have stopped this non-sense debate and focus on her official routine work.We must be so strong that no other country should allow to discuss outside matters.this is PPP rulers who are going to make this issue a bigger issue.they should have to avoid this policy.

  9. If a mad dog is shown stick,it will start barking.If let it go without showing it any thing,it will go.If America is asked not to do that,they must do that.It is useless to ask and protest on any issue to them is wasteage of time and energy.

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