Anti-terror laws


It’s a common impression that outlaws are usually at large in Pakistan. Target killings, suicide bombings are a routine matter here. The terrorists, after committing the crime, easily make their way. The law enforcement agencies, civil and military both, have to face the wrath of people and media for not capturing the culprits or not taking preventive measures.

But, the reality is different. The agencies do their part of work. They take pre-emptive measures, conduct search operations and even hunt down many terrorists but all their efforts go in vain, once the case is sent for legal proceedings. In most cases, the terrorists have been acquitted on the pretext of lack of evidence.

The prolonged and complicated legal procedures can also be blamed for releasing of such lethal terrorists who have been wreaking havoc in Pakistan. In the situation of lawlessness and chaos such incidents have further created sense of insecurity among the people.

As far as complicated legal procedures are concerned, no one has even tried to bring reforms in it, at least in terrorism cases. Since, most of terrorists have been acquitted on absence of evidence, incidents of illegal detentions by law enforcement agencies has also been a common practice which created a state of confrontation among some state institutions.

The recapturing of Adiala Jail prisoners highlights such a state of affairs. These suspects, according to law enforcement agencies, were involved in planning and facilitating suicide attacks on GHQ, Hamza Camp and Kamra Air Base besides twin suicide attacks on security forces.

These suspects were apprehended from different locations and produced in the court of law. However, due to lack of evidence they were acquitted. According to some reports, the suspects had not only been threatening Superintendent Adiala Jail and the judges but also to their families, if they were punished.

The tug of war between the state institutions has been capitalised by terrorists. There is need to realise the fact that Pakistan has been entangled in terrorism, the release of such terrorists hints towards some loopholes in our judicial system which needs to be amended properly in order to eradicate terrorism. Besides bringing reforms in anti-terror laws, there is need to implement them in letter and spirit.




  1. major cause of the terrorist activities are IEDs used by the first we need to end up these devices.

  2. The anti terror laws must include the policies to put an end to the use and making of improvised explosive devises and other bombs also.

  3. Improvised explosive devices have already claimed thousands of innocent lives
    in Pakistan. EU has taken a timely step by providing Pakistan with modern robot

  4. EU will be providing Pakistan with a robotic technology to ensure use of
    improvised eplosive devices by the terrorists in coming times is stopped.

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