Historic corruption


Almost all the national papers carried a news of 8600 billion rupees or 93 billion dollars worth corruption loss to Pakistan under the watch of twin supremoes of the country which is downright shameful.

If there is an iota of shame left in our duo of leaders they would have resigned at this public humiliation of their leadership. It appears we are led by master promoters of corruption that has no parallel in the world.

The amount of $93 billion would have freed us of all national and IMF debts for all times to come. We could have built at least seven mega hydroelectric dams in the country making us an industrial and agricultural giant of South Asia. Instead, we have accumulated scores of billions of crushing debt that has kept us in the poverty grind of masses that are selling their children and committing suicides at a record level.

The pitiable condition of the poor is daily shown on TV channels but our corruption crocodiles only shed false tears to collect more votes to ride over the backs of our overburdened people.

