Force him to resign


The Minister of Railways, Ghulam Bilour, responsible for stopping a fully running and profitable government entity, the Railways, has said that he would resign from his post if the finance ministry did not release money for the Railways.

I think it is an excellent opportunity for the government of Pakistan to part ways with him (before the people of Pakistan publicly bring justice to him for his wrong steps).

The government should not release payments to the Railways and force the minister to keep his word on resigning. This will help fix 80 percent of the problems at Railways and make the organisation a healthy profitable organisation once again.




  1. In 1968, a friend of mine was on the pay roll of Mughal Pura Railway Workshop. He used to go to his office at the end of the month to sign and get the his pay check. I one day asked him why he never go to his office and he told me that he is just one of the individual of hundreds who are proxy workers. The Workshop is a Mafia Gang controlling the administration. The labor Union is very powerful and I only pay certain percentage of my my pay check. That was the situation in 1968 ( Ayubi times).

    Last year I visited one of my relative, who is an employee of Pakistan Railways. He told me that Minister Bilour is a transporter, who has his own fleet of Buses and is determined to strike a death blow to the Pakistani rail system. The upper mangers of administration are keeping a bevy of servants, gardeners, and cooks on the pay roll of this ailing public utility institution. He further told me that there are thousands of ghost employees maintained by the powerful Railway Mafia. Wallah hu alam-e-bilsawab) Sounds Unbelievable in this time and age.. May be some one can correct me because I have not lived in Pakistan since 1968 and all is not quite on Pakistani fronts.

    I do not know how many buses he owns and what his future strategy is but one thing is clear that this gentleman is extremely incompetent and should be asked to leave before it is too late. By now he should have a pretty good idea of the bottlenecks that were dragging the system to its final demise. I remember that University of St Andrews in UK was going down the drain and the Education Minister appointed an experienced labor leader to correct the situation. The first thing that leader tried was to learn the weak points and leaky holes of the institution. He very soon discovered that the University was spending more on the athletics and not on the education side of the institution. By adjusting a balance of the expenditure, he was able to bring the institution to its stable footing.

    Mardan-e-kar dound key asbab-e- hadsat,
    Kartey hain chara-e-satamey charkh-e-lajaward.

    Poosh Un sey jo chaman key hain Dareen razdar,
    Kiun kar hui khizan teeray gulshan sey ham nabard. (Iqbal)

    This is not a big thing because it took 500 years to build ROME and they destroyed it in 200 years. British built the excellent system in 1859 and ran it extremely profitably till 1947 and Pakistanis took the reins in their hands and the results are horrific. The moral is we could not maintain the momentum.

    Qasa-e-khoon-e-taman mang-e-kis sey,
    Gunagar hai koon aur khoon baha kia hai

    If you have tears, shed them now; (Shakespeare)

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