Putting Pakistan first


The formation of the Pakistan First Group (PFG) comes as welcome news. The group has been created to counter negative propaganda currently being run against the army and ISI, according to Maj Gen (retd) Rashid Qureshi.

The group has also warned against the repercussions of damaging the honour of security and military institutions as it would only weaken Pakistan.

The group has also called for Musharraf’s safe return. It was rightly pointed out by PFG that it is the constitutional responsibility of the government to provide proper protocol and security to the former head of state. Many prominent retired generals like retired General Muhammad Aziz Khan and Adm Shahid Karimullah have signed a letter calling for Pervez Musharraf to be allowed to return to Pakistan.

This group of military officers is highly respected and none of them have ever been accused of dishonesty or disloyalty to the country and people or corrupt practices.

PFG is also affiliated with the Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Society, which has a membership of 93,000 and outreach to 2.5 million ex-servicemen and their families. This highlights the support that the group is capable of getting. Their first meeting is a good beginning and will create further pressure once they gather more support.

They have an ideology that puts Pakistan first and will lend Musharraf all their support.




  1. Musharraf is a Traitor for allowing US military into Pakistan. Musharraf is a Traitor for trying to divide Kashmir with India. Musharraf is a Traitor for subverting the civilian control of government.

    No Musharraf. No Zardari. No Sharif.

    Pakistan Zindabad.

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