Varsities in Sindh


Nowadays one can hear the anger and absolute frustration of Sindhi intelligentsia, educationists, academicians and intellectuals in and abroad in their stories and commentaries about the worsening plight of educational institutions functioning in the upper and lower Sindh regions, especially the University of Sindh, Jamshoro, what was once a crown jewel on the Sindhi educational and cultural scene is now an underfunded mess with no rescuers in sight.

Indeed, no varsity in the province is in a better shape. Greedy exploitation by the administration goes on – corruption reigns supreme in transactions between students, faculty and administrators. The brain drain of faculty continues. The future and the hope of this country, called the students, are crammed into overcrowded classrooms, without proper facilities for teaching and studying. The varsities are producing armies of unemployed youth in the market.

Concrete changes are required in the administration, especially in the appointment of Vice Chancellors and other administration personnel, coupled with revolutionary changes in the curriculum so as to make these varsities again the real seats of learning and birthplace of brilliant brains.

