Wali Khan Babar’s anniversary


A year has passed since Wali Khan Babar, a young bright journalist, was killed. Inspite of Joint Investigations Team’s reports, the killers have not been caught and prosecuted by a government which claims its constitutional right to govern this country.
The people of Pakistan and expatriate community would like to know reasons for this unacceptable failure on part of the state, its executive and security agencies, who have failed to deliver on their constitutional obligation to protect the lives and honour of citizens and punish criminals.
When an elected government plays politics on the blood of its citizens, it loses its right to govern and collect taxes. No government worth its name can justify cutting underhand deals with criminals in the guise of politicians, who kill those who dare dissent or criticise them or their coalition partners.
Karachi, the financial hub of Pakistan, has become a victim of this cycle of violence, perpetrated by criminal ethnic gangs engaged in an unending battle for turf.
As an expatriate Pakistani, I would like to know the opinion of Imran Khan on this issue, who himself of late seems to be engaged in political dillydallying with those who resort to politics of violence.
Illinois, USA