Not a good situation


This is with reference to the lead news in your esteemed paper (10 Jan) where Prime Minister Gilani has declared Gen Kayani and Gen Pasha’s rejoinders to the Supreme Court illegal. Firstly, it was not a rejoinder but it was compliance of the orders of the Supreme Court where both were made parties in the memo case.
Finally, the cat is out of the bag. There should be no doubt in anybody’s mind that the army and the government are not on the same page. It is very unfortunate that the government is already in confrontation with the Supreme Court and now is targeting its own army. PPP’s track record of ridiculing judges and judiciary also continues unabated. People of Pakistan have not forgotten how district and sessions judge of Sanghar was arrested from his court. Unfortunately, no lessons are learnt.
Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani continues attacking the army. Few days back, he said that nobody would be allowed to create a state within a state directly hinting at the army. In his latest interview with a Chinese daily, he once again targeted the army chief when he was on an official visit to China. His latest utterance is that any official action by a government functionary without the prior approval of the government would be unconstitutional and illegal. This message was meant for General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and Director General ISI Ahmed Shuja Pasha who submitted their statements on memo case as directed by the Supreme Court. Since Supreme Court had directed both the officers by name; therefore, there was no need to adopt proper channel.
The question arises why the government did not react when both were directed to submit replies to the Supreme Court. That was the right time to raise objection and not now. Secondly, there is nothing unconstitutional about it. In any case, the interpretation of any constitutional provisions lies with the Supreme Court and not with the government.
Armed forces have the loyalties towards the state and not to individuals, anyone endangering the sovereignty of the state has to be checked with iron hand and they cannot sit as silent spectators. Prime minister’s objection, as far as submitting replies directly to the SC is concerned, does not attract provisions of breaking chain of command because the SC directly addressed the two officers and not the ministry of defence.
There is no point in harping again and again and talk about NATO attacks, the US has accepted that it was an error of judgment on their part. The government should not forget the principle of pre-emptive strike by the US anywhere in the world without any permission if their interests are hurt or in danger. They have done it time and again and would keep repeating unless challenged, and Pakistan is not in a position to take on the sole superpower.
Our government and political leaders must understand that by openly showing no confidence in our own army would add to insecurity of the people and the state. Pakistan’s armed forces and intelligence agencies are faced with extraordinary challenges, especially those created by terrorism ridden environment. They have offered great sacrifices supporting the government policies and safeguarding the national interests.
Their handling of matters associated with the national security and fight against terrorism has been outstanding. The nation is not only proud of their performance but fully backs the philosophy, pledges and methodology. Three-fourth of the army is deployed on borders and giving sacrifices to save the country and future of our generations. Criticising our own army ultimately will lower the morale of the army and that would result in weakening the state and that is what the enemy wants.


  1. Well done dear Mukhthar Ahmad. I fully agree with you.



  2. parliment is supreme nd political parties should stand in favour of parliment nd democracy…courts r not doing justice.but r biased in their decesionss

    • No doubt the Parliament is supreme and the PM is the chief executive but he is not expected to misuse his authority. He must assist the court in holding a free and fair inquiry into Memogate to identify those who are guity of treason against the country. This Army chief is a staunch supporter of democratic system but that does not mean that behind the cover of democracy the political leaders should sell out Pakistan and its nuclear programme to United States. Army Chief's only fault is that he has obeyed the Supreme Court and has also spoken the truth which has bothered the PM and he has started leveling baseless allegations against the COAS. Such a stooge of Zardari does not deserve to be the PM.

  3. It certainly is Not a Good Situation when the Advocate General (a retired judge) appointed by the government also does not agree with Mr Gilani.

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