Imran or Nawaz?


The youth of Pakistan, being a significant part of the population, could prove to be a significant factor in the upcoming elections. This places a burden on them to educate themselves about political parties and to choose their affiliation carefully.

Many youngsters join a political party and head towards their rally whether they understand its policies or not. The PTI is one such party. It is gathering a lot o fpublic support but it is yet to announce how it is going to bring about the change that it talks about? Many of the youngsters joining PTI were kids when Nawaz Sharif came into power in 1997 and don’t understand the dynamic of Nawaz Sharif’s politics, yet they criticise him.

If Imran Khan has no concrete policy, then why does the youth flock towards his rallies? Do they go there to have a good time and enjoy the music and festivities? Or do they go there because they believe in change. It is true that his rhetoric exercises a great pull on the youth. But because of his vague populist rhetoric, people believe of him what they want to believe and project their hopes onto him.

Technically speaking, there is no comparison between Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan. Nawaz Sharif is an experienced and seasoned politician with better knowledge of running a state whereas Khan is politically naïve and inexperienced. Will it be right to compare a leader who was exiled from his country by a dictator with the other who was sitting along with that dictator and is now thinking of forming an alliance with him?

Nawaz Sharif might not be a perfect leader but he has learnt his lessons. He showed his concern for the people of Pakistan when he came out for the restoration of the judiciary. Many in Nawaz Sharif’s teams are those who fought against the dictator and were subjected to hardships. On the other hand, Imran Khan’s team comprises of many people from Musharraf’s teams. Is it so easy to forget the Lal Masjid issue, the Bugti murder and many other issues of the Musharraf regime and vote for the people who supported these actions just because they are now with Imran Khan?

The youth should seriously consider the flaws of each leader before voting rather than being swept away by the tide of populism.




  1. LOL..u have forgotten most of PML-Q leaders have joined PMLN…the problem with you is that You have NOT done your research well before posting this..i saw the list of around 75 PMLQ members have joined PMLQ…Now plz have some research before you make your opinion…I hope u do that before asking YOUTH to consider you suggestions/considerations.:)

  2. what a pathetic attempt by the writer here to justify Pml-N. The YOUTH will never be deceived again by the Sharif Bros. ……comparing Imran Khan to Nawaz Sharif is like a professional to an amateur, domeone who has achieved all to someone who has done nothing but LOOT. Vote Fot change . Vote PTI.

  3. hahahahahah – please do a little research and you will came to know that "Zahid Hamid" master mind behind NRO is current MNA of PML N
    i don't think that Mian sahiban learn anything from the Past they are now using same method to get into power i.e. use of establishment if wanna get some further information please visit website of Rauf Klasra (renowned journalist) and read the article "Why Javed Hashmi leave PML N "
    Please clear it that IK has said many times that he will never ever make an alliance with Musharaf instead of it Ch Nisar said in his recent speech that "doors are open for everyone" i don't know who are these EVERYONE ?
    if a common man don't have experience of Politics than should he never ever consider to participate in elections or Politics? come on yar its basic fundamental right of every human to participate in election and if he/she succeed than he/she can run the country
    and before becoming a finance Minister in Gen Zia's cabinet Waday Mian sahib also don't have experience
    Please do a little research

  4. Yes Nawaz is highly experienced in politics of looting, plundering and pillaging this country, a real vateren in corruption and peculation, an asset to the crumbling fortune of Pakistan. If youth ever wishes to bankrupt the country, then he is the man of the hour. The only thing he learnt from exile is to never accept the pardon accepted and received and keep masquerading as paper lion.

  5. I think the writer is just trying damage control at this time. PML and its leadership has learnt nothing from time. They are just harping the same rhetoric. Neither I see any shine in Nawaz style as he is talking same old bull shit that he used to. The problem is that he has no agenda nor any vision. He seriously lack leadership skills. I think it is good to bury the dead horse and move on. PTI seems a plausible option.

  6. One is a professional and seasoned looter and has many years experience of robbing a country blind, the other is an honest man. No comparison indeed. Through the current condition of Punjab and the farcical antics of the current opposition, we have indeed found out a lot about the lessons Nawaz Sharif has learnt while living a humble life thanks to his billions of dollars worth of investments in London and Saudi Arabia after he had negotiated his exile with a dictator.

  7. I feel so proud in replying the comments I have recieved . First of all my brother Junaid have you got any proof that I was paid by NS. You PTI walas say Nawaz Sharif was involved in corruption ,please present proof which I know you dont have. I dont have have problem with Q league joining after all they are politicians but Musarraf's men.If Nawaz Sharif was brought by the army so why is it imporatant Imran also makes the same mistake.

  8. ahhhh…another 'cute' anti IK article! Did you really write it?

    How ironic that NS is now regurgitating everything IK has been saying and copying his succesful jalsa music theme that you mention!

    I'm afraid there is no comparison to be made….IK should not be mentioned in the same bad breath as NS.

  9. Nothing comparative wid shehbaz sharif. .he z the real hero. .n jst c. . .when he,ll come to power. . .he,ll throw all the corrupt people out of pak. .n pak will becm a real pakistan…come into punjab n c his services.

  10. Majid Tamoor – get a life – you just copy pasting things from previous anti – PTI articles – you haven't done any research on your own – and just copy pasting stuff which all PML (N) supporters only have to say – b/c they don't have anything concrete to say against IK. Btw can you please throw some light on the pardon NS, SS and HS signed with Musharraf. Why did he run away from the country and lived a luxury life in Saudia when the ppl of this country needed him the most. Why did he not choose to stay back in Pakistan and struggle for democracy and chose to run away b/c he chose life of luxury rather than jail. Nawaz Sharif has looted the country and any educated person knows that – one does not need to give any proofs on a fact. If I can start naming the corruption cases he was involved in .. it would take me the whole day just to list it over here – there is not fire without smoke. Give me one evidence of IK corruption – he has delievered SKMH, Namal college with his own limited resources when even not being in power. NS tried and tested 4 times now esp in Punjab what has he given to pakistani public with so much resources – sorry to see – the article is nothing but crap

  11. very pathetic column i have read so far..i wonder how come such low research author can write on the site..One thing i must add to the above comments is..
    The interior Minister who was with Musharaf and made sure Nawaz leaves back to KSA when he was returning is now a close aide and is always with Nawaz Sharif..
    People pls bring in some sense as we youth can only break the statu quo..Vote for someone you can be proud of and can say you did your work in the not choosing the tried and tested politicians..choose someone whose leader is promising and can bring happiness on deprived pakistani faces..

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