Arms-twisting won’t work


Pakistan’s ban on NATO supplies is the longest blockade by far since the start of the Afghan war in 2001. It blocked the supply trucks from entering Afghanistan since Nov 26, the day Americans killed 24 Pakistan soldiers at the Salala check post.

The only public signs so far are that the border will continue to remain closed indefinitely. On January 6, the Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on National Security, Mian Raza Rabbani, said the embargo would remain so long as relations with NATO remain fraught. The attack was taken by the entire nation as a symbol of deteriorating trust between the two WOT allies.

Pakistani diaspora believes that America needs to be made to understand that its arm-twisting tactics, like withholding $800 million committed aid for the war on the terror, won’t work. The Pakistan government must work out comprehensive terms of engagement, based on the actual cost, economic as well as sociopolitical to Pakistan, both in short and long term for joining hands with America for the so-called war on terror, getting written agreement before facilitating NATO for free ride, just for pep-talk. However, the government of Pakistan must keep in mind ground realities and the level as to what extent it can go in terms of blocking the supply route and in terms of giving the NATO permission to resume its supplies.

