Imran Khan’s popularity


The popularity of Imran Khan has been increasing at great speed recently and turncoats of different sorts are joining the PTI for what they say “to save the country” from corruption, maladministration, politics of inheritance and free the people from American hegemony and feudal system.

Everybody is surprised that where there had been only Imran Khan’s towering personality for 15 years, why all of a sudden he has become so popular. His programmes are already scheduled. As he demonstrated his political potency in Lahore, his trip was arranged for China because China is more than a friend for Pakistan and her approval maybe was necessary for this. Moreover, media remained unaware of Mr Khan’s activities in China.

After Nawaz Sharif’s tour to Turkey, it was also considered indispensable to make arrangements for Imran Khan’s tour. He went there and came back with pompous attitude. Now, he has done his best in Karachi and it is possible that he may go to London or even United States?

Think for a while: why former foreign ministers – Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri – who were never close to Mr Khan have joined his hands for changing the destiny of poverty-stricken people of this pure-land? They had always sided with the new entrants and it doesn’t matter to them whether they had been blue-eyed boys of dictators or have helped democracy, their purpose is to remain in power.

Is it so hard to imagine as to why the demoralised mullah-military elite of this country have now decided to run their propped-up horses on the grounds of PTI? Of course, not. But why Imran Khan has been chosen for this task, it baffles me.

Since the coup of ’99, Nawaz Sharif has not been able to forget turbulent past. And now the establishment does not seem to have overcome the reservations that Nawaz Sharif has against it. A new player in the form of Imran Khan was already available in the market, so it was used for its vested interests.

A dirty political game seem to have started well before the coming general election, and mullah-military nexus seems to have found a way to hit where it matters the most; by manipulating peoples’ desires and aspirations.

All the patriots of the country should keep in mind that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


Rato Dero


  1. a total disillusioned article…………………… imran khan is our hope and we the youth of pakistan will bring him to power come what may……………….

  2. IK’s rise after a period of 15 years might be a surprise for you sir. However, I firmly believe that IK needed these 15 years to get his message across to the masses. Also, its the PPP and PML-N rule more than establishment which has made IK popular. Lastly, sir even if IK is establishment he is an alternate to these current loosers!

  3. Mr Sarwech Saryo, Why not point out to the number of PML (Q) ppl joining PML (N)?Why does ppl like you only see Imran and PTI

  4. i pray to Allah that imran khan wins and to become the next leader to bring justice , but these other leaders have had there chance and you have seen what they have done to the country , a leader always keeps his home land clean and tidy , as they see when they go to other countries …. if the public still votes for these corrupt people then may be they deserve it ..

    my best wishes to imran khan
    god bless Pakistan

  5. When you seek Allah help, Allah never disappoint and IMRAN KHAN read
    '' Iyyaka na'a budu wa-iyyaka nasta aeen''
    It is You Allah (alone) we worship; and You Allah (alone) we ask for help.
    Why people don't understand this simple thing………
    Good Luck Imran!!!!!!!!!!

  6. a onesided story how the hell is i.k meant to win with all new faces. he has no choice but to go for seasoned politicians.

    • Totally agreed. What Imran is doing is what he should be doing. Imran knows how to build a winning team. We trust Imran and the best evidence is his clean past.

  7. Imran Khan's popularity has risen substantially because things have never been so good in Pakistan. NOT.
    The leaders who manage to get into power have only ever looked after their own interests AND have done very well for themselves. Alas the country is going full speed ahead to the dogs.
    After the debacle with East Pakistan, the prolonged situation in Baluchistan, Karachi and the fact that Pakistan is an unpopular nuclear state, IF someone like Imran doesn't get into power I am quite certain in my mind that Pakistan, as we all know it, will be no more.

  8. Imran khan is the only hope we hav. If not him ,then who?supporting other parties is equivalent to supporting curruption, poverty and lawlessness.

  9. Dear Sarwech…. The thing is that here in our Beloved Country you have seen “Flood affected, earth quack affected, rain affected people at every corner, but have you thought before that 99.99% we all are “Personality Affected People”. Sometimes I feel like we all are fame mongers that have no destination but the ad hoc fame. Hence IK is also coming in the circle. So let the game go on. Mind it, and believe me, after five years of his government we all will see curse on the lips instead of zeal which we have right now.

  10. What was your point of this article, I honestly missed it.

    However,what happens if one work hard for 15 years?

  11. when was SMQ part of milatary setup? lay arguments… lame article..rubish … 15 years yeah but did u ever attend any rally?? you dont even know a thing about Imran khan..i have been in Imran's rally in peshawar and u can't even imagine that not even 10 people would gather around in those days because of the blasts n he mannaged to pull around 10 15 thousand people in the sit-in in peshawer and then the hayatabad rally..shame on u ..there was a rally in gym-khana peshawar n that place was full to its teeth… it never has been full even in pak india game (break time)…shame on u ..u haven't been there when IK called a sit in august (14th)…they were hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…. its NOT a sudden rise..who was there on stage on 30th october in lahore?? was smq or kasoori or tareen there on stage? why were there so many people listining to Ik on 30th?? shame on u man..grow up n get ur facts right.

  12. Quoting you, "Is it so hard to *imagine* as to why".

    Imagine being the keyword here, imagination is all that this piece of writing is based on. Next time write with concrete facts, not your imagination. We have our own, thank you!

  13. Absolutely disillusioned and crap. He completely ignored the that people are fed-up of Nawaz Zardari games.

  14. totally biased article..

    We Love you Imran Khan and you are Paksitan’s onlu hope we’ll inshallah Bring you inti power.

  15. Absolutely and utterly Rubbish article. Complete waste of time.
    Imran Khan will be the Great leader of Pakistan after Jinnah.

  16. What a biased low life worth less and a crappy article

    This is worst article in ages

    Imran is a Legend!!

  17. Pure rubbish and completely nonsensical article without any content.

    I record my protest on such writings not against the writers but with Mr. Nizami who is not seeing how these 'journalists' are dragging the standard of his newspaper to this low…

  18. Absolutely, blinded eyed and partial article. Such writers should never be allowed to write / express about their dirty thoughts and partial view. The reality is Imran Khan's rise is as a result of Zordari-Gillani's performance and Nwaz's daffurness. The reality is, Imran Khan is the only icon of hope for bringing change in Pakistan.

  19. only three leader born to make a hope, 1. MOhd ali Jinnah, 2. Zulfi Bhutto 3, Imran khan, new hope for the people of pure-land, inshallah

  20. Wonderful exhibition of sense and maturity by Imran's gullible followers in the above comments…pata hota nahi game ka..chaly hn IK ko future of Pak banany…ap bhi bhi yahan….we will see what the shit IK brings to you…yes, to you. because you have the hopes in him..we know his teeth today so we don't have to curse ourselves tomorrow….I know that people of fade up with PPP and PML-N but you must know that the solution has to be less dangerous than the disease itself…

  21. I too like IK. Articles like this one are not against him but to warn him of certain personalities who are opportunists. Press has also been critical on some issues which is good for IMRAN to rectify things before they get on top. I am sure he knows it all . Good Luck you are Pakistan’s lst hope

  22. The writer delibrately forgot to mention the worst performance of PPP in the history of pakistan.The most incompetent and corrupt government in the history of Pakistan! If they think establishment is not allowing them to perform, why don't these looters come out of government and call for fresh elections as Tayyab Urdgan did in Turkey when he was not allowed to work freely by turkish military which, at one time, had more hold on its civilian government as compared to our case.

  23. A useless and crap piece of writing…………should,nt have been published. What was the point in all this……Is it a fickle minded creating desperation…

  24. this guy is tottaly rubbish man. y he write like this about IK>… we like ik as we like ourself…. he is a great leader and hope for us… thx

  25. stupid article,imran khan is a patriot person when we see its past.But Zardari League and Nawaz League joined hands to destroy our country.we have also checked the performance of these two politician.Its enough and now

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