Government vs corruption


It has become routine talk that the politicians are corrupt. Whoever enters into politics is bound to be corrupt or no one can enter politics unless he is ready for corruption. Very sadly, this is a common understanding among the people of Pakistan about the state of politics and the kind of governance running the country. The question is who is responsible for this sorry state of affairs? Good governance and corruption cannot go hand in hand. The people responsible to perform the duties of governance cannot ensure a good and fair one unless they themselves are free of evils of dishonesty and corruption. The main reason of this widespread corruption is lust for money. It is not just the politicians and government servants who are caught up in this pursuit but the general society as a whole is running after acquiring more and more money. A student of class eight may be telling you that his main aim in life is to earn more and more money.

When the society in general is misguided and following a policy that may lead to ultimate destruction, we cannot simply single out the politicians for their vested aims. The whole society needs to reconsider and redirect its main aim and goal. Good governance starts at one’s own home. When an individual is conscious of his duties to his family and wants to carry them out in the most fair and honest way, then he has contributed towards good governance.

Corruption cannot be overcome unless brakes are applied on the lust for acquiring more and more money. The society as a whole needs to understand that money is a means to an end but is not at all an end in itself. People need to adopt the noble qualities of contentment and giving charity.

