December the 25th


The 25th of December is marked and celebrated as Christmas all over the world while it is also the birth anniversary of our great leader Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It is a unique and strange coincidence that a religious festival of the Christians and the birthday of the leader of the nation happen to be on the same day. Why they are observed on the same day? Why God chose for Pakistani nation the same day to remember their founder? The two, being random events, suggest a correlation. Maybe the ideology of Quaid about the nascent country gives us an insight into that correlation. Quaid wanted a country where everyone included minorities (Christians, Hindus etc) could lead a free and respectful life.

We are living in a complex interdependent world, where the thoughts pursued, ideas evolved, and policies initiated affect each and every individual of the world. The vast variety of the people of the world in terms of origin, geography, food, dress, language and religion etc clarify His unity to be observed in His diversity. There is a single land to be lived in. However, there are multiple faiths ranging from Islam, to Christianity, to Hinduism, to Judaism and Buddhism etc. The existence of single planet and multiple faiths is a proof of evidence in favour of cross-cultural understanding, dialogue and communication. The Abrahamic religions hold each other in great regard. Islam gives due respect to Judaism and Christianity by calling their followers as “The People of the Book”. Quran calls all human beings as the progeny of a single pair (Adam and Eve).

Christians all over the world celebrate their festival with great pomp and show. They deserve our respect. Muslims living in Christian majority communities observe these two festivals with jubilation. The principle of reciprocity also guides us to honour our Christian brethren on the day of Christmas. Here in Pakistan, to help facilitate our Christian minority, we must promote tolerance and unity.

I request all Muslims to give due respect to Christian minorities, who have the same rights as we do, who are also equal citizens of this state. The easy provision of employment, education, food, medicine, improvement in work conditions and such other facilities must be afforded to all Christians without any scruples attached.


LUMS, Lahore


  1. i am not sure whether the correlation you talked about has any base.. but i totally agree with the point of view that minorities no matter what religion, creed , caste etc they belong to must be respected. We should learn to live peacefully even with our differences and respect each other.

    • As regard to correlation, don't take it in econometrics sense…(may be u call it spurious correlation)…what i meant is that coincidence of the two events are lesson-full for us..regards

  2. Right,but you should have included the PTI movement which is a continuation of his political and social thought.

  3. Shahbaz Sharif has also forwarded the idea of socialism, it is one of the main targets on his agenda. however, let us refrain from starting a political debate here. Salar has made an interesting point about the corelation, be it without any backing. the idea is to find common ground between festivals of joy, which in turn make it possible for people of different faiths to rejoice together.

    • Thank you Arsalan Sb. All Prophets especially the Prophet of Islam has given us the idea to treat minorities on just grounds. Also they have translated the idea into practical form. Anyways, i am glad to see that you think out of the box now. And yes, could you please elaborate what do "YOU" mean by SOCIALISM?

  4. cross cultural understanding should not means to compromise on religious faith..We should respect them but should not celebrate…You may contact some religious scholar about this.

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