Many states within this state


Nobody can disagree with what our PM stated when he said that there can be no state within a state. In a democracy, people elect a government to strictly provide good governance, act as custodians of the national exchequer, enforce rule of law, make decisions strictly on merit, provide equal opportunities, and provide security of life, property and fundamental rights. They do not elect a government to bring the state-owned rail, road and air transportation industries to an almost grinding halt, protect the corrupt, deprive the industry of energy, make appointments in violation of merit, patronise a culture of tax evasion, encourage creation of cartels and facilitate large-scale illegal allotment or occupation of private and state lands by a mafia, while billions are transferred to foreign banks.

The PM has to understand that a government functionary under oath must state facts, even if they differ from the distorted version authorised by the political government and its public office holders. The image of an elected constitutional office holder, such as a PM, is eroded when his selected crony is involved in a fraud of Rs630 Million and he himself is alleged to have sat in one such meeting at his official residence. An elected government fails in its duty when it appoints an ambassador who is prone to fall prey to conflict of interests in another country.

The army and its intelligence agencies have no authority to interfere in internal politics or indulge in real estate or other business, but this cannot stop our sensitive agencies to undertake surveillance to protect vital national interests in accordance with their specified role as defined in the constitution. If a government fails to protect the life of its citizens, as it has failed in Karachi and Balochistan, it loses its ethical and moral high ground to retain public office, because they have violated the oath of office, through which they occupied it in the first place.

Similarly, the security agencies have no unlimited powers to arrest citizens without judicial authorisation and due process of law, as has been happening in Balochistan. No elected or paid public office holder has the right to abuse his powers in violation of laws depriving a citizen of his fundamental rights, without due judicial process as defined in our constitution. A state within a state exists when other than the authorised tax collectors, a group is being allowed to extort money from citizens as is happening in full know of the state in Karachi and other cities and towns.




  1. What about the PM's son having opened an appointment/promotion/foreign posting agency for the paid servants of the state at his private house. The young man pays no tax, but strangely drives a limo valued over Rs99 Lac. What is his constitutional authority to interfere in business of state?. Is this not a state within a state, just like the Khakis assuming unto themselves powers, which the constitution does not grant them. Has the PM forgotten about the MQM having created a state within a state in Karachi, killing opponents at will, demanding extortion, and ordering target killings of police officers and journalists or political opponents.

  2. The killings in Balochistan and thousands of missing persons constitutes violation of the constitution. Is this not a STATE WITHIN A STATE?.

  3. The PM's corrupt family and kitchen cabinet of thugs have created a state within a state by breaking laws, indulging in broad day light fraud, deceit and all sorts of shady deals abusing the safety of PM House and his official residences in Lahore, and Multan without any fear of accountability.

  4. PM is a real hypocrite PTI should run Pakistan those dumb politicians in NOON Ledge dont knoe how to make Pak sucsessfull

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