Students and discipline


Discipline is important for the progress of society and the development of one’s personality. It is all the more important for the students. Since student life is a period of learning and grooming, a student needs to be sincere, dedicated, firm and focused to his goals. Discipline plays significant role in shaping his personality and moulding his character.
Students are the future of the country. It is they who have to take the responsibility of the country. They should be healthy and fit. Physical education is as important for students as to be studious and sincere at studies.
Discipline demands self-control and dedication. One who cannot control himself cannot control others. He has to dedicate his individuality in the larger interest of society. Discipline is a virtue and it cannot be developed overnight. It takes time and requires patience.
History’s great men could make their marks on the world only by following their goals with all the earnestness and sincerity. So, we should try to be disciplined from an early stage of life. Parents, teachers and elders have significant roles to play.
Kandiaro, Sindh