Drug addiction


The old era of peace and plenty, good manners and morals shall never return. Rise of civilisation is fall of morality. The new era of material progress has brought worldly prosperity for many; but it has given a death blow to religion and moral values. Now every thing foul appears fair due to lack of moral scruple.
Material progress of which peoples are very proud has brought in many incurable social evils in its wake and given birth to faulty habits among the new generations all over the world. Corruption, use of drugs, killings and other social ills have become order of the day. They are so firmly rooted in the world communities that various social institutions and even governments are fighting losing battles.
The worst evil rather a curse is drug mafia; the very phase in stinking and repulsive. Drug trafficking, drug mafia and addiction are more than just problems. Drug addiction has swept like plague through the world, sowing crimes and destroying lives.
According to dictionary meaning ‘drug’ is a substance used to poison or stupefy, or for self-indulgence, and drug addicts are habitual users or takers of drugs narcotics. The most dangerous, rather a killer, is the heroin while the other narcotics are marijuna, hashish, cocaine and the ‘cut drugs’ that are more deadly.
Heroin is chewed or smoked in cigarettes. Drug addiction is multi-faceted problem. It has now cut across national boundaries and international barriers. Once the habit of using drugs is formed it cannot be overcome.
Clinical studies have shown that by the time the addict is undergoing the trauma of melting, suffering from acute anxiety, restlessness, yawning, shivering, vomiting, a high temperature, muscle cramps, loss of appetite and weight are the results.
The human race needs to correct its path. There is no salvation except moral reformation and strict punishments to the culprits.


  1. A nice post, needs a bit more of improvement, if you want to know contact me at [email protected] and one more thing shouldn't it be "of which people are" in this writing?
    Great Job

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