Crisis after crisis


We have had an endless series of crises – not so long ago it was Memogate; now it is the callous Nato attack on a Pakistani checkpost that killed 26 Pakistani soldiers.

There will be others. There will be much frothing, high oratory and fist-waving, and then the current crisis will be replaced by another one. One of the facts of war is ‘friendly fire,’ trigger-happy, nervous youngsters attacking their own or allied forces in some kind of ‘play-safe-when-in-doubt’ mode. The Americans have the worst record, which shows that they’d rather kill the other, with or without reason.

At least two possibilities exist. First that it was a genuine mistake, although one cannot see why army check-posts with concrete structures should be mistaken for militant camps. If it was a mistake, we must deplore the ignorance or stupidity of the NATO commanders, they should be removed and an official apology be issued along with a guarantee that the matter will be probed immediately. Second that it was deliberate, intended as a ‘lesson’ to those ‘duplicitous’ Pakistanis, a warning that we cannot play both sides with impunity.

This image has been developed and nurtured carefully by some of our great ‘friends’ and it may have affected the decision to mount the attack. Or it might be a way to get even with the Pakistani forces for not doing enough to stop the Taliban attacking the American embassy in Kabul last month.

Our position is that we are allies and we will help, but they shouldn’t expect us to be their most obedient servants all the time, especially when our long-term interests are involved.

The Americans who, till recently, were making promises about their commitment to this region, are now looking for justifications to withdraw from this muddle – the best way is to put the blame on others (Pakistan, mainly). We are the convenient Aunt Sally at the moment.

It serves as a prelude to what we can expect in the future. Since a strong Pakistan does not aid the US interest in the region, a continuity of similar episodes is something we must expect if Pakistan does not take a firm stand right now. We need a unified and renewed resolve.

