Deadliest NATO attack


The unprovoked and indiscriminate attack on Pakistan border patrol checkpost is an open attack on Pakistan’s sovereignty and is an act of terrorism by the prime mover of the war on terror and had encroached international law and violated Pakistan’s sovereignty.

The brutal attack killed 24 troops and injured 13 others on the night of 25/26 November when two helicopters entered 2.5 kilometres inside Pakistan’s border region territory of Salala in the Baizai sub-division of Mohmand agency FATA, where they opened fire at a border checkpost. Prior to this Pakistan had seen 12 major violations by NATO and American forces including five major air space violations which had killed 45 soldiers and had injured 50 other impeccable people.

These types of attacks are held because we do not have a clear and firm policy towards counterterrorism, drone attacks and border violations. These attacks have a close connection with Pakistan’s regional context, geography and nuclear weapons. Media, civil society, army, parliament and political parties have to play their role and should lodge a strong protest against NATO cross-border attacks. America looks after only its interests, now it is time that Pakistan looks after its interests and safeguards the liberty and security of its citizens and its armed forces.

The citizens of Pakistan condemn this act of terror which has caused extensive unrest and rage among the population and want the government to pull out of the war on terror, expel American citizens in Pakistan, permanently break off all NATO supplies from Chaman and Torkham and cease Shamsi air base. We demand an end to the alliance with the US and the war on terror.




Our nation lives in a state of confusion due to various conflicting statements on national issues. One such latest example is the fact about the use of Shamsi air base by the US for their drones. The US and our government denied the fact earlier that it was under the US forces use, stating that the US did not occupy it. Now suddenly when they were told to vacate it in 15 days the people have realised that our government has been telling blatant lies.

Normally, on such coordinated lies, both the US and Pakistani rulers are on the same page (forgive me for using this oft-repeated phrase by our ministers). On the contrary, the masses are intentionally kept away from the truth to avoid any backlash. The masses and the rulers appear to be poles apart in their thinking. It is a very sad state of affairs, particularly when we claim to have democratically elected these rulers. The affairs of the state must be run in a transparent manner. This will surely add to the credibility of the rulers not only here but also abroad. It is very painful to note that your own people have been hiding the factual position. But as they say: The truth shall always prevail.

