NATO incursion


The latest NATO helicopter attack on Salala check post in Mohmand Agency killed 25 soldiers including two officers. Very rightly we have lodged a protest and stopped their supply line. We did this earlier as well when they committed the same act of war some time back. That was perhaps a very mild reaction by our government as they have done this again.

Keeping in view our security parameters we will have to give a tough reply to their latest hostile intrusion. The recording of protest with the US is considered necessary but at the same time we must teach them a lesson. They have already lost the war against Taliban and now seem to be arm-twisting us into a deal with the Taliban. But why attack your key ally in war against terrorism?

Come what may, we must not allow a single vehicle to proceed to Afghanistan through our country. I do not understand what is restricting us in taking such strict punitive measures. I think if we take a stand now, the nation will support the government.

