America in Afghanistan


The first response that one gets upon asking what the American aim in Afghanistan is comprises of phrases such as ‘not very clear’ accompanied by a shrug. Well, the superpower surely has aims and objectives. Some have been achieved and some still await accomplishment. Some are explicitly stated while the covert ones are in danger of turning into a brain drain for those who have genuine interest in the future of Afghanistan.

The Americans are on the lookout for an honourable exit in Afghanistan and the ambiguous policy they are pursuing exemplifies the fact that a clear and transparent roadmap that moves towards bringing the Afghan insurgency to a decisive phase is surely not on the US agenda.

The idea of the formation of a Muslim allied force is undoubtedly the best possible alternative for the US for replacing the ISAF forces and managing the security situation in the region relatively successfully. This idea has been floated as a segment of the same obscure objective that aims to buttress the American designs in the region.

Despite agreeing upon the issue that Afghanistan requires political handling, nothing substantial has been done to strengthen the central government or the state institutions. The grievances of the locals and dominant groups are far from being redressed. Talks about the need for talking does nothing but protract the misery of the people and further highlight the US intentions.

The road ahead is surely not clear. But one thing that does become clear in this backdrop is that the American aims in the region are not the explicitly stated ones that deal with countering insurgency anymore, but of the second variety, that is the covert ones that are always talked about with a shrug to keep the world guessing. But for how long?

