Is PTI threatening PML(N)


In today’s urban Pakistan, those teenagers who are fanatically making resolutions to vote for the PTI were only little kids when the PML(N) for the first time assumed power back in 1997 and when Musharraf installed a coup against a democratically elected government in 1999. Unfortunately, they do not know much as to what services Nawaz Sharif has rendered for the country.
There is no doubt in the fact that our youth is more vibrant, talented and optimistic than their predecessors used to be. Unfortunately, we live in a world where emotionality takes over rationality when it comes to deciding the fate of a nation. Whereas talent, vibrancy and optimism may lead to a blind alley, the youth must give a serious thought to their decision related to electing some party to rule. In other words, they must choose a leader they can trust and who can deliver.
They must keep in mind as to which party did deliver and which party did not; who’s been defaulter, corrupt, tyrannical, dictatorial and who hasn’t been; who did pass the test of making Pakistan a better democracy and who did not. They must keep in mind that whenever a military coup takes place, it becomes the junta’s prime concern to denounce and defame the politicians so that the coup operators may chisel a rationale of their illegitimate action; so that they may prove that they were right, clean, rather angels and the ‘thrown-outs’ were dirty and demons.
One of the PTI’s main leaders, Shahid Qazi, resigned from the party alleging that the party wasn’t holding elections within it, and was toeing the line of the military establishment.
The youth must keep a sensitive eye on the gravity of the circumstances if the pro-establishment forces are ‘somehow’ elected. The old game will be played again. Once again, the politicians will be thrown out after sometime. They will be discredited, and some ‘clean’ hands will hold the reigns thereafter.
The PML(N) has passed the public’s trust and has emerged as a true representative of the people condemning the role of secret channels in policy making of the country. The PML(N) should publicise this role on the social media too.
It is a catastrophic negligence of the party that the workers haven’t done well on the social media wherein PML(N)’s wondrous works could have been highlighted for an effective feedback, ie, winning votes. Imran is suspected to be a pro-establishment force whereas Nawaz Sharif has become the symbol of resistance against the forces responsible for derailing the democratic process.


  1. pro nawaz writer. what ever u say against imran and how much u like nawaz to be PM my vote is only for PTI.

  2. Well done.. another pro PMLN column written by Pakistan Today…
    Regardless what you do, what you say, My Vote is for Pakistan Tehreek Insaf. I will vote my local PTI candidate.
    It's time for Nawaz Sharif to retire.. Go Nawaz – Zardari Go. Go Nawaz – Zardari Go .Go Nawaz – Zardari Go –
    I am Looking forward to attend PTI rally on 25th December.

  3. I too would vote for Imran if I thought he can secure enough seats in the national assembly to oust PPP, unfortunately this is not likely to happen, and a vote for Imran will mean a vote less for PML-N which will benefit PPP, Pakistan cannot afford another five years of a government which is frittering away the resources of the country to increase its vote bank without any effort at all at developing these resources, its opposition to Kalabagh dam is a case in point, I will vote for the development oriented PML-N, also the only party which has an outside chance of ousting PPP

    • We are all sick of PML.N and PPP they are jokers stealing wealth of pakistani nation stashing in overseas banks it's about the time that our youngster our press our media recognises this and supports the true leader of our nation which is Imran Khan . Ali

  4. Yea by 1999 Pakistan was bankrupt IMF help was begged

    And 22 families paid no tax

    No effort was made to improve economy just pass 15 th amendment

    First nawaz sharif took control of parliament Nd banned people from speaking out against him

    Then he took control of judiciary

    And final target was military

  5. The premises on which this article is based is totally absurd coz if a now youngster was a toddller in 1997 due to which he can’t relate to Nawaz sharif, then how come that youngster can relate to Imran Khan who retired in 1992?

  6. It is Sad to see the behavior of PTI supporters above. I have analyzed that amateur political supporters of PTI are confused. They called every person to be Pro-PML(N) if one talk something against Imran Khan.

  7. Youth shall also know that which dictator has given political birth to Nawaz Sharif and PML-N? Youth shall also know that who has attacked judiciary?Youth shall also know that who was bringing 17th amendment to become ameer ul momineen? Youth shall also know that instead of struggling for democracy who has left for Jeddah after deal with Pervez Musharraf? Youth shall know who has brought adhocism in PCB and destroy cricket? Youth shall know where Mr. Saif ur Rehman is? Youth shall know the channel of amount transfer abroad

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