‘Eunuch registration being carried out without medical proofs’


National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has devised a procedure to establish the identity of Eunuchs for their speedy registration and no medical proof is demanded from them. NADRA Deputy Chairman Tariq Malik said that in addition to registration centres across the country, NADRA has deployed Mobile Registration Vans (MRVs) to facilitate eunuchs for registering them in remote areas. Speaking on Sunday, he said Eunuch registration is carried being out without medical proof to verify their given particulars and details. He said as per Supreme Court instructions eunuchs can ask for male transgender, female transgender or “Khunsa-e- mushkil” written on their ID card as per their will.He said NADRA is already issuing Computerized National Identity Cards (CNICs) to third genders and instructions had been sent to all NADRA offices to facilitate eunuchs for registration.He said NADRA was the first organization in Pakistan to provide job opportunities to third gender at its regional offices.He said the registration of third gender would pave the way for more job opportunities in the government and private sector.


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