In defence of PTI


The PML(N) in every talk show is uttering the same propaganda that the ISI is supporting PTI and that PTI is working under the cover of establishment, and I’m sorry to say that non of the PTI representatives have responded to these allegations in a logical and proper manner.
I would like to logically refute this claim by answering it below:
1) PTI believes in the power of pubic vote. Establishment is afraid of public vote.
2) PTI went to court to ensure new voters’ lists are formulated by weeding out fake votes so that everyone has a right to vote. How can a party relying on establishment’s help can do that? Neither PML(N) nor PPP has shown any interest in voters’ registration process.
3) PTI launched a campaign in different parts of Pakistan and encouraged people to register their votes. Again, no establishment party would do that.
4) Only PTI demanded extension in voters’ registration deadlines.
5) Only PTI used social media, videos and articles to encourage people to become part of a change and register their votes.
6) Only PTI’S leadership went to all colleges and universities to get support of the youth.
7) PML(N) is actually insulting the people who came out on 30 October jalsa by calling them army agents.
8) Imran Khan went to all parts of Pakistan with his message. No establishment would party do that.
9) If anyone joins PML(N), then it is okay; but if someone joins PTI, he is branded an agent of the establishment.


  1. Well written,,,

    PMLN go get a life you can't fool the have no vision.

    I request every pakistani to vote their local Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf candidate.
    Make sure you contact PTI representatives in your area and join the strugle to help save pakistan from both Status Quo parties – PMLN and PPP.

  2. Let us assume for one minute this allegation is true.

    Memory may have dulled but history can't be erased. In 1988 the ISI and the establishment engineered the PML (N) and cobbled together the IJI alliance to stop Benazir's imminent win. Hence the birth of the PML which was midwifed by the ISI and establishment has no right to cry foul now.

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