Selfish politicians


There is another worrying weather forecast for lower Sindh and Balochistan which are still striving to recover from the devastation caused by recent torrential rains. We are living in a country where policies are made in emergency not for emergency. Now everyone, including government and opposition, is increasing its point score by organising rallies on different political issues but no one bothers for those people of lower Sindh and Balochistan who will be in heavy rains in a few days.

I can’t understand as to why our political parties are acting so selfishly. Why do they think only for their votes not for voters? I think it is high time to do something for these people. All the political parties should activate their workers in related areas to take preventive measures to minimise the losses that are expected in forthcoming rains.

In any catastrophic disaster, three functions are most important and that three functions are: evacuating, feeding and rehabilitating. From these three functions, evacuation demands trained workers and rehabilitation requires a planned and long policy so general public can participate only in feeding. Besides, the most important function among these three is evacuation. It is ironic that our Disaster Management Authority can’t perform it, at large scale, owing to lack of a large trained force.

If we reserve at least two brigades of our army permanently for evacuating purpose, train them as needed and give them required sophisticated tools, it will be helpful for both the army and the stranded people.

