Ours is a different 9/11


On 11 September, 2011, it was the 10th anniversary of that tragic incident in the City of New York which saw the death of almost 3000 people and many more injured. The incident reminds us of death, destruction, chaos, deceit, lies, conspiracies, betrayal, revenge, downfall, politics and a bad taste in the mouth tilting the sands of time back into the great abyss. But what really happened later on was the killing of tens of thousands of Afghans, Iraqis and Pakistanis in the next decade.

On that very day, Pakistan also observed Jinnah’s death anniversary. Or did we really remember him? I recall Obama’s Ground Zero but I do not recall Jinnah’s Ziarat. I remember NYC but do not remembering watching Mohatta Palace and the days of Jinnah in Karachi as he breathed his last. I recall almost every media channel transmitting live from the USA and yet waited to see one decent day of documenting Jinnah and his life.

The man, who gave us a free country with the freedom of religion and respect for social justice, has been forgotten. The vision of Jinnah in this country has vanished away.

Leadership is action, not position. The Quaid, in order to safeguard the struggle for independence, did not share information on his health. A man of resilience and selfless dedication, he never gave up over his medical condition. Can we say the same for the politicians and leaders of today who seem to have lost their character in search of something more tangible and temporary?

In those days, there were fears of betrayal and deceit within the Muslim League. The Quaid feared that the news of his tuberculosis would reduce the chances of a successful struggle for independence, and that the Indians will try all their might to divide the struggle. On his doctors’ advice for fresh sea air being good for lungs, he decided to spend some days in Karachi.

Even at that delicate stage of his life, he spoke with conviction and commitment. On national defence the Quaid quotes: “The British have been strong with an empire scattered all over the globe. We can be strong with a Pakistan which has one of its zones in the west and one in the east of India. We would be more closely knit than the British Commonwealth of Nations. And don’t forget that 55 percent of the Indian Army comes from the Punjab.”

On 11 September, we saw TV channels broadcast everything except the true vision and legacy of Quaid. The time given by the stakeholders and agenda makers to cover the Ground Zero event was a lot more than the time given to speak about the Father of the Nation who gave up his life without telling anyone about his medical condition to preserve his country till his last breath. That day, America honoured the dead but failed to disclose as to why the buildings fell straight down like they were demolished intentionally for better construction site and why some of the dead mentioned on the casualty list still are still alive. We forget very quickly and we remember too little.

If Jinnah were alive, we would not have had the fall of Dhaka. We would have survived as one united Muslim country. Our Father of the Nation must not be forgotten. He must be remembered for all that he did for us. We must remember what he taught us, what he told us, what he wanted for us. The history teaches us many lessons but the most important and the biggest lesson that the Quaid taught us was to coexist, with no fear of caste, creed, religion sect or colour. A free society of moderate thinkers and patriot Muslims following the teachings of the Holy Quran.

My heart bleeds to see that his memory is long forgotten by the ever hungry, ever greedy politicians of today. We must stop right here and remember that as tragic as it is, our 11 September can never be their 9/11. This day in Pakistan stands for justice, equality and independence and whereas theirs stands for death, destruction and unjustified wars.

The writer is a banker, freelance writer and broadcaster for an FM radio.


  1. Hopefully this should awaken the citizens, to make them learn to appreciate thier own history.For all the sacrifices he made the least the people can do is remember him on special days.
    A very good article written from the heart.

  2. Yes, I do agree, A very good point raised by Zeeshan. Thumps up!
    We are a sold nation. Quid e Azam was the first and the last leader. Lets pray that God bless us another to complete the mission Pakistan.

    • Thank you Bro – its specially nice to hear from you on the subject as we both have similar common ideas on the subject. I pray that GOD gives us another to complete the mission and GOD willing – it will happen. IA .

  3. excellent in put..
    You did good to put facts down..I am sure others will do their part for next year!!

    • Thank you for the support and for endorsing a key fact which is a reminder that our society has yet to evolve towards honesty and self reliance as depicted various times by Jinnah – a true leader of the century .

  4. Thank you Zeeshan Shah for highlighting what we really forgot, The Quaid’s Death Anniversary on Sep 11 or 9/11.

    After reading your article, I feel so sorry for the “blindly chasing Media” who is running just for the ‘HOT’ all the time and not for the real PROPAGATION they should give to build NATIONAL ETHICS.

    It is actually destroying our UNITY, we have already lost DISCIPLINE while FAITH is from a long time already divided into SECTS.

    Thanking Zeeshan again, yet a MEDIA PERSON and a GALLIAN to feel proud of.

    • thank you for your kind words and sincere thoughts . I feel this is the least one can do for this country and for the man who gave us Pakistan . I am only my bit to serve the country and to recall what most of us have forgotten v easily. I certainly that you will be able to share this article with all Gallians and endorse a positive culture of patriotism and valor . Appreciate your time to read it . Thanks

  5. its a good view that essentially must be presented , i guess.
    the author comes up with a concept which is bold enough but pardon me for believing this that the author could have made it even more strong with an expressive way of writing. i mean its not so much convincing in itself for most of the people who donot understand this piece of fact.
    Overall , its a great attemp n we must now realize that America very well knows how to exaggerate an event that has been a decade old ..n how to make it a heart rendering part of history to under cover the revenge n terrorism she spreads away, in the blanket of " a war against terrorism. "
    So, we better should learn making histories of our own, not exagerrating them but the fact that we can build our own good history rather than celebrating other's.

  6. A very well written article and an eye opener for the entire nation. We should not forget our national hero on this day.

    Well-done Zeeshan Shah. Keep it up!

  7. Once again Mr. Zeeshan Shah has touched the heart of the problem which is essential for leadership. When September 11 is highlighted we had a great leader, the Quaid, whose death anniversary falls on this date.
    This year the world celebrates the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, but here in Pakistan we forget to honour our dear Quaid-e-Azam, who worked hard for an independent nation for the Muslim. We are so caught up in doing what the world is doing, rather than honouring our hero. His struggle amidst his sickness to strive for a separate homeland was a top priority for him.
    Mr. Zeeshan clearly shows that as Pakistanis we have forgotten how to appreciate the sacrifices of our founder and leaders. He stresses that as true Pakistanis we must never forget the teachings and expectations of the Father of the Nation. He has expressed his anguished concern regarding our selfish politicians who care less for the struggle and sacrifice made for Pakistan. In conclusion he states that if we honour and incorporate the teachings of the Quaid we are not far from becoming a truly independent nation.
    I would like to thank Mr. Zeeshan for reminding us to walk in the footsteps of the Father of the Nation.

  8. Nice piece Bro. those who fly the flags of terror are themselves the ones who cause most if not all the terror.

  9. Welldone Zeeshan, a wake up call, I hope and pray that ur candle can light many, u r showing true gallian spirit buck up man

  10. Zeeshan, whatever you have written, i agree with you hundred percent. Your last para is my hearts cry.
    I have the honor to sit in the laps of Quaid and his sister, at the residence of Nawab of Mamdot, Ferozpur Road, Lahore. On the eve of Pakistan resolution 23 March,1940.

  11. A great article Zeeshan! It very correctly but tragically reflects on the forgotten ideology of our founder and the sacrifices of millions who laid the foundation of Pakistan. Your thoughts articulate the death of patriotism and ideology; we are indeed a lost nation! Great piece of writing!

  12. Thanks a lot for reminding us the history which we have forgotten as the dust of 9/11 faded away our own glorious memories .

  13. ill informed article. tilted views, very poor research's about building destructions or people killed rather they are manufactured without any foundation. It is not worth publishing.

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