Education in Pakistan


The existing education delivery system of Pakistan is not meeting the needs and aspirations of the society as such. Moreover, prior to devolution, the policy and planning have been undertaken by the central and provincial governments without taking into account the ground realities and without the participation of community.

The education system at university level is much better than the higher secondary level and as for primary and middle levels, it’s even worse. Private schools provide quality education to some level but as far as the government schools are concerned, the system is very poor.

Teachers rarely come to school because teachers won’t have to answer to anyone about their irregular and insincere attitude. Moreover, there is no proper arrangement for cleanliness and maintenance in schools which makes the situation even more critical. Because of all this, students are irregular in schools. Their confidence level decreases rapidly and their knowledge remains constant.

If we talk about private schools, they are providing only a little better than the public sector schools. In about 60 percent of schools, unqualified and inexperienced teachers are hired at low salaries event though the fee structure is much higher than the quality of education provided. The remaining 40 percent schools that are providing quality with the help of experienced highly qualified teachers are expensive as far as fee structure is concerned. So, they are not affordable for everyone. Only, the rich can afford them. The government has to take this matter seriously and raise the standard of education and provide free education to everyone.

