Not fit for democracy?


Before the murder of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, almost everything was controlled by the khaki dictatorship. Though there was dearth of certain commodities, life still seemed smooth enough. But after the death of BB, miseries of the masses started. At first the electricity and then the gas disappeared, causing long hours of loadshedding.

No doubt democracy is way better than dictatorship, but why did all of this happene soon after the end of Musharraf’s dictatorship? Why has the inflation shot up? Does it mean that Pakistan is not fit for democratic rule? Why, under PPP government, miseries of the poor are increasing day by day? Why our government is unable to rein in the continuously-increasing inflation?

The worst part is nobody in our government has ever explained these things or ever bothered to quell the fears of the public in this regard.




  1. Zardari and his cronies have no political history, nor any political agenda or ambitions. They were brought into power through an NRO by none other than the khaki establishment of that time, who cannot be absolved of their role and patronage of all the wrongs that have been done. Had Benazir Bhutto been alive. governance would have been much better. The killings in Karachi would never have been tolerated by Mohtarma.

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