Growing violence in society


The recurring news of multiple murders of family members including children and even parents make a chilling reading. One wonders as to what ails the society. These cruel and senseless murders are generally attributed to property disputes as also grinding poverty and plain robbery. Whatsoever may be the reason the violent society of ours needs a real social uplift from the mosque pulpits, schools and homes which seems to be lacking.

We are followers of the great humanitarian religion of Islam which enjoins peace and security even in daily salutations but the sobering impact is nowhere to be seen. A small traffic accident may lead to violent confrontation.

We need to be more civilised and patient in the event of adversity but something more is required to help the poor and needy by liberal norms of charity, human compassion and good neighbourly practices that are becoming extinct in our urban areas that need to be revived for a humane and balanced society.

