Ending the fight, or war


Now the things stand clear. It is not the enmity alone, it is the bid to get rid of the enmity. A leading English daily’s lead headline on October 23 saying “Pakistan ready to arrange talks with the Taliban, US told” reveals the truth that the fight is not to fight the Taliban but the fight is how to end the war in Afghanistan. The fight is not to defeat the Taliban but how to get rid of the fight against Taliban.

Benazir Bhutto had some years ago wisely advised the Americans, the international players as well as the Pakistani establishment “to leave Afghanistan alone on its own, let the people of Afghanistan solve the imbroglio, only they can do it.”

Here it must be an eye-opener for the Indians as well, who, in the course of rejoicing over the striking of strategic deal with Kabul, should not forget the hard times ahead, particularly in the post-exit scenarios.

