Gaddafi bites the dust


Col Gaddafi came to power through the sword, he ruled Libya by the sword and as history has always repeated, such men die by the sword. Some 42 years ago, he led a revolt to rid Libya of King Idrees, but then he set out to rule it like a king. During the tenure of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Libya under Col Moammar Gaddafi was a valued friend of Pakistan. It is unfortunate that he lost the support of his own people and failed to learn lessons from history.

The third world and in particular Muslim countries are still being ruled by individuals, who believe in hereditary politics, irrespective of whether they acquire power through barrel of a gun, or through engineered balloting. History teaches us that power corrupts men and they lose touch with the pulse of their nation and aspirations of the people that they rule.

Such men surround themselves with psychophants, who remind us of the courtiers that have led many kings down the path, which ultimately end in their isolation and a usually tragic removal from power.

Gaddafi failed to meet aspirations of his people and refused to accept the ground reality that in this age and time people shun monarchy, or any political regime which wants absolute powers. He could have left in time, if he was not surrounded by courtiers who made billions while the people of this oil rich country lacked basic rights.

