Hang your heads in shame


The running battles of civilians with police in our cities and widespread destruction of public and private property in the wake of prolonged loadshedding show signs of anarchy ruling our roads. The PM had stated some time ago that Kalabagh dam had been a victim of politics. I ask the politicians of all hues that opposed the vital KBD to at least hang their heads in shame for landing the country into darkness due to their myopic self centred views. Now the birds have come to roost and time has hatched prolonged loadshedding, ruining of the economy of Pakistan by the main PPP party and its allies of ANP as also MQM and Sindhi nationalist parties who must now face the music of public anger.

This is nothing short of criminal neglect and Nero-like playing on the flute while the nation burns. The PPP o-Chairman is now rightly described as the greatest threat to democracy as such a dire state of affairs can lead to dictatorship as has happened in our history repeatedly and history tends to repeat itself.

