Bill introduced in US House to freeze all aid to Pakistan


A key American lawmaker from Texas has introduced a resolution in the House of Representative to freeze all US aid to Pakistan.
The House Resolution (No HR 3013), if passed, will freeze all US aid to Pakistan with the exception of funds that are designated to help secure nuclear weapons.
“Since the discovery of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan has proven to be disloyal, deceptive and a danger to the United States,” Congressman Ted Poe said in a statement after tabling the resolution in the House.
“This so-called ally continues to take billions in US aid, while at the same time supports the militants who attack us.
“The United States must immediately freeze all aid to Pakistan,” said Poe, who is a member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Pakistan has made it “painfully obvious” that they will continue their policy of “duplicity and deceit” by pretending to be US ally in the war on terror while simultaneously promoting violent extremism, the Congressman said.
According Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, just this month the Pakistani government supported the groups who were behind both the truck bomb attack that wounded more than 70 US and NATO Troops and the attack on the US Embassy, Poe said.
The resolution has been sent to the house Foreign Affairs Committee for necessary action.
It is only after this key Congressional committee approves the resolution that it will be sent to the House of Representatives.
Notably only a few resolutions enter the House of Representatives.


  1. This is the way how US should treat us……I m a Pakistani but i fully support Americans because they are saying the truthl………..Pakistan ISI and Haqqani group Murdabad

    • This previous writer is absolutely correct I myself am a Pakistani American when will Pakistan go after these terrorist they need to go after all their leaders. By not going after them they are helping in destabilizing the country and putting the Pakistani people into more poverty and missery. Don't blame other country's for speaking the truth !

    • you are a traitor …. pakistan isi is the best agency in the world .


  2. @Salman Shahid you are wrong. its the americans who funded these terrorists groups and now they want us to clean the sh*** which they are responsible. Pakistan people need peace not ,with existing support of USA what we got we got Terror Terror and Terror Only. this war is going to be on our Land and who will suffer only People of Pakistan. USA is the only legitimate Terrorist Country in this universe and the Al-Faida is his Right hand wing to secure land and resources for USA.

    • Salman is right.

      It is true that Americans who funded these terrorists during 1980's. But it is also true that Zia took the bribe from US and sold Pakistan. Not to mention the religious extremism he nurtured in the country for himself and the military to be able to keep a tight grip on the power. That make-up prevails as of today. The current transition to democracy is a Micky Mouse democracy at best. The power center has not changed.

      Going forward, would Pakistan like to change or not?

  3. Yes, some of these terrorrist groups were started during the Soviet Union war in Afganistan and funded by the Americans. They were used to fight the Soviets and the now the Soviet war is over these Terrorist groups have brought missery to the people of Afganistan and Pakistan. It is the duty of the Pakistan government to go after these terrorist groups, they were usefull in helping in kicking the Soviets out. But they are no use to Pakistan no more times have changed, if the Pakistan government does not go after them they themselfs will be removed from power and replaced by these terrorist. Then the people of Pakistan would get the real tast of poverty and missery.

    • It is not only Pakistan but US also who has to face the reality. Government of Pakistan back in the day advised US government to become involved in the Post-Soviet Afghanistan and help decide the form of government but US said it was not their problem. US did not want to be involved. USSR had been defeated and US had levelled the Vietnam account. Little did any one know that it would come back to serve upon US in a different way. Had the advice given to US been heeded there would not have been a 9/11. It is very unfair to say that it is only Pakistan's responsibility. The solution lies in engaging and defusing and not charging and aggravating.

  4. How can you engage and defuse, when the Taliban may pretend to send a peace envoy with a bomb in their turbin. Their is only one one destroy anything that has to do with terrorism.

  5. Taliban are the baby and product of poor american policy. On one hand USA is working with Haqqani network for transition after their exit . You can judge the intellegence reports of CIA by the fact that in Iraq they did not found a single WMD. it is simply manioulation of information for their vested interests. Haqqani networkis the blue eyed boy of CIA and british agency which has turned back on them. Mr Mullen should tell evey thing to the committee. rather than the building reasons for their failure in Afghanistan. I mean what these US and Nato forces are doing if they are not able to protect themselves, How they going to protect Afghanis. They should gracefully accept their failuresin Afghanistan.

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