Fake relief camps


Reports are pouring in from the worst rain and flood affected districts from Sindh province wherein the revenue officers, inter-alia, set up the eyewash relief camps. Once the scheduled visit of dignitaries is over, the law enforcement agencies’ personnel baton charge the affectees so as to displace and disperse them.

Similarly, the business of fake and counterfeit drugs is booming. And now it is reported that those fake and substandard medicines, which appear to be genuine but contain little or no active ingredients, including anti-biotic, anti-viral and medicines to fight malaria and other diseases, are reported to be given to the rain and flood victims in various districts of Sindh. Those fake and counterfeit medicines have put millions of lives at risk. Some deaths have been reported because of respiratory illnesses among victim children, because they are treated with false antibiotics. It is also reported that medicines with expired dates are given to the illiterate victims.

The ill-fated victims are also given rotten and substandard food, mainly rice. If anyone has to curb hunger and has to eat such substandard and poisonous food, they suffer from bowels, stomach cramps and other stomach diseases.

The above mentioned facts are, indeed, reflective of an ethical and moral crisis at hand in this country. Let’s pray to God Almighty to guide and punish such unscrupulous souls who, instead of alleviating the pain and pathos, multiply the miseries of the rain and flood victims.

